TreeHouse Team 8 Guiding Principles The BloomTree Partnership

Bloomtree Learning Communities is a network of communities dedicated to college students in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

We share a fundamental set of Guiding Principles and a passion for successful transition from treatment to graduation and beyond. The communities, while unique in each location and locally owned and managed are based on the model of the TreeHouse Learning Community.

The BloomTree Communities as a network of collaborating partners, share best practices, conduct and share research and data and use the extended network to help students source opportunities to participate in nationwide and global projects.

BloomTree is dedicated to gaining knowledge about recovery, supporting sustainable recovery practices, and to contributing to the state of the art and science of addiction and transformative recovery.

We believe collaboration is the best vehicle for fostering creative, relevant and dynamic environments that support students who need to be equipped to thrive before and after graduation.